There is so much to know in the world of nutrition. More than I will probably ever understand, but I have good news for myself, and good news for You too. We don't have to be nutritionists or registered dietitians to be able to eat healthy and take good care of our families.
One of the most simple things we can do is to follow the My Plate guidelines. How simple is that... just look at your plate, divide in into sections and fill each one
This is like dinner - color by numbers. I can do that!

If you are feeling like you want some personalized help, a great place to start is Super Tracker. It is being updated all the time and you can personalize it as much as you want to .
There is a lot to learn ( I am discovering) about nutrition and health, but I am also learning that I no longer can say, " I don't know" and use that as an excuse. I know that I need to look for whole grains when I am buying cereal. I know that keywords like "whole wheat" and "multi-grain" are okay, but they aren't what I am looking for. I need to make half my grains whole.
I know that when I buy fruit in cans I need to look for them to be packed in their own juices or in water - Not packed in syrup - or better yet, I should just buy them whole and fresh. I can focus on adding more fruit to my family's diet.
We don't need to know about phospholipids and LDL, we don't need to completely understand the grams that going into making calories. We don't need to be a nutritionist or a registered dietician to make the best choices for ourselves and for our families and the people that we love and take care of.
My Plate has made it easy, and keeps on making it even easier to make good choices and to learn about what is best for our bodies. Tell me what you like best about My Plate, or how it has changed your life. -- (That was a total plead for comments) Also, it was a secret plug for the Food $ense video challenge!