Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Family Mealtime Benefits - Developmental

Having meals together as a family, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner, can give your children benefits to their development. Here are the ones that all major research can agree on. 

If you have family meals growing up, you know the sense of security that came with know that experience was something that could be counted on daily. 

These feelings of safety and sense of security and togetherness provided by family mealtime helps nurture our children into healthy, well-rounded adults.  If you are able, Frequent family dinners have a positive impact on children's values, motivation, personal identity, and self-esteem.

Children who are able to eat dinner (or any regular family meal) with their family are more likely to acknowledge, understand, and follow the boundaries, the rules and expectations set by their parents. 

A decrease in high-risk behaviors is related to the amount of time spent with family—especially during family mealtimes.

To make the most of your family mealtime, follow these guidelines:

Turn off all your screens, electronic devices and distractions.
Aim to have  a family mealtime at least four times a week.
Enjoy positive conversation during the meal.
Spend an hour eating dinner, conversing, and cleaning up together. (I feel like that last one is REALLY important)