Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What Does Healthy Mean?

I just spent the most amazing three days with my Food $ense family. Learning and Sharing and Growing. It fed my heart and made my love for the people who I work and serve grow. They are each so full of compassion and desire to help and serve the world and start by doing so at their doorsteps. 

It just made me realize all the more what a journey Health is. 

Being Healthy isn't and end, there isn't a You're Healthy Now finish line. 

There is no ultimate number, weight, size, cholesterol, blood pressure that means "you've made it - now you get to be done" Isn't that an interesting way of looking at things. 

As I looked around the conference room, I saw men and women that were different as we could possibly be and yet all passionate and trying to improve and educate about the exact same thing. Being Healthy

We drank some soda, we ate some chocolate, we moved our bodies and consumed a swimming pool's worth of water. We talked about how to keep trying and motivating people to make change. To be accepting of those who aren't ready yet, and to embrace little changes forward and to celebrate every single victory!

I am so glad you are here. I am so glad that you are on this journey, or that you are thinking about beginning this journey, or even that you are ready to start again. I hope you find happiness and encouragement here, I hope you find strength and support. and Love.