Monday, March 19, 2018

Breakfast - the meal of champions!

I am thinking about breakfast today, not specifically breakfast foods, although that does happen, but I am thinking about breakfast in general.

Here is what brought me to it; my parents watched the kids last night so my husband and I could go out on a date. My dad brought by a huge box of donuts for the kids that he gets delivered to his shop each morning. If he knows he is going to come and see the kids he will put away the "free donuts" a little early and save them for the boys. Sorry hungry plumbers.

We have no school today because of trimester break and so instead of having breakfast at school, I am in charge of making breakfast. Usually Daddy makes the breakfast on the weekends, it is kinda his thing and I really appreciate it. And so, with a box full of day old donuts and kids home from school, I have been thinking about breakfast. 

There was a tweet the other day about breakfast that made me think.

I asked my son about his breakfast at school. He loves it. And after the research that I did today, I feel really good that he is getting a really nutritious meal. I know some of that can be overwhelming as far as information goes. But here is the easiest thing to do, make a trip to your child's school, and talk to the secretary. They will be able to help you fill out the form to find out if you qualify.

At our school here locally breakfast is free for everyone. My son contributed the information that there is a giant sign that says, "free breakfast for all kids". How Great is THAT!? As a mommy (or daddy), that just leaves us with the job to remind them, "eat breakfast when you get to school" and to ask them when they get home "how was breakfast this morning?" or "what did you have to eat this morning".  I have a son who isn't much of a share-r, I get the no information answers from him quite a bit, "nothing", "I don't know" - stuff like that. So I ask him specific questions, "what kind of juice did you choose this morning?", "what piece of fruit did you choose?". This has not only opened him up to actually talking to me, but I have discovered things about him that I probably wouldn't have guessed otherwise. He prefers peanut butter on his pancakes instead of syrup (he did not learn that trick here in our house), and he will always choose regular milk over chocolate. Who IS this kid?! 

Breakfast here today was nutritionally a bust, but I blame that on my father. But I am feeling thankful today for this awesome program that helps our family out a ton. I know my kids are getting a great breakfast, trying things that they might not be offered here at home, and it makes for a nice morning when I am not having to scream at them to "finish that cereal!"