Monday, April 22, 2013

Healthy Challenges - Week Three

Last week was week three of the Healthy Choices Challenge at work. It was the first week of choosing more physical activity. It was actually a really hard week to make active choices. It was cold and rainy, and the much-anticipated warm spring weather didn't come. I wanted to do nothing but sit on my couch under a blanket and hibernate.
But that made it a good “challenge” for me. I suppose life doesn’t qualify as a challenge if things are going to be easy. 
And so I parked my car at the far end of the parking lot, and walked to the store in the blowing wind and the rain. I played soccer with my son and didn't grumble about the cold. I got up off my couch and danced with the Wii, and when I was about to put off doing some yoga or taking that extra trip down the stairs, I said to myself, “Nope, you are going to do this.” And I did. Instead of killing 30 minutes playing a game on my phone, I spent that time doing something active. It was usually with my kids, but sometimes it was just something that wasn't sitting down.  I can see how a more active lifestyle is much more about a change of thinking than I previously thought.