Monday, May 6, 2013

Decisions, decisions

I have been thinking about decisions lately. About the decision making process we as people go through and how changes come into our life when we make decisions to change.

My middle son has been contemplating trying out for an extra play soccer team. He played this year but has been extremely casual about it. I talked to him about how he needed to dedicate his time to this if he was going to commit to this team. That it wasn't going to keep being any fun unless he worked to get better and that practice once a week wasn't going to be enough. That he was going to need to give up other things if he decided that he wanted to play on this team. This was a really hard decision for him to make and he really struggled to feel like he was making the right choice for him.

It got me really examining my own life and why I make the things that I do important. Because whether we realize it or not all those little choices add up to big changes or lack of the same.

This month's healthy challenge at work has been about little changes. First little changes in diet and then little changes in activities and then putting them both together. Hopefully over a period of time it will equal really positive results.

And that has my mind ruminating on deciding to make changes. The first step is the actual decision to do it. If you want to make a menu plan, you just need to grab a pen and paper and sit down and write it out. If you are going to be more active, you need to stand up from your computer and head outside. And it all starts with the decision to do it.

What are you going to decide to do today?