Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Family Mealtime Benefits - Nutritional

And since we are having Meals together as a family, there are nutritional benefits - a lot of them. 

It basically ends up like this - you eat better for your children and your children make better choices for you. - I think that makes this one of the sweetest benefits. 

Eating meals together as a family also encourages healthy eating habits and provides a role model behavior for children to carry with them into adulthood. 

Studies show family dinners increase the intake of fruits and vegetables; families who eat dinner together tend to eat fewer fried foods and drink less soda; and family meal frequency is linked to the intake of protein, calcium, and some vitamins.

Here are some mealtime suggestions:

Cook as a family and include everyone in the preparation process.
Experiment with fun recipes.
Remake old recipes with healthier alternatives.
Have “theme” cuisine nights such as Italian, Mexican, or Caribbean.
Know your children’s favorite meals and cook them on a rotating basis.
Create your own recipes.

Nightly family dinners may require effort in planning, but the benefits in mental and physical health to you and your family are more than worth it.