Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Easy Wellness Tips for a Busy Life

I am the guiltiest person in the world of saying, " I am just too busy to ___" (insert work-out / activity here)  I'll be honest, I don't really enjoy it, and it is pretty much the last thing that I want to do with my free time.

But I am trying to change that. I remind myself that I feel So Much Better when I am being active.

Every little bit does count, and the more activity you can get into your life, the more you will be able to do. Even when you feel your busiest, take a few minutes to do something for yourself.

Something as simple as parking the car far away from the entrance and taking a few minutes to yourself as you walk into work, try each day to be more active than you were the day before. You'll enjoy how strong, happy and energized it makes you feel.

Here's some Tips -

Try Out Interval Training.
Nobody feels like they have extra time in the day, so make those active minutes count. You only need 20 minutes to get a great workout with short bursts of high intensity exercise. If you don't feel like you can spend a lot of time, spend just a little bit of time and work extra hard. The energy boost, better sleep and increased productivity will have you thinking that 20 minutes is totally worth it.

Desk - ercise.
Just because you are sitting doesn't mean you just have to Sit there. You can get all kinds of movements and stretches in while you are waiting for email replies, files to download and thinking deeply about work projects. You might feel a bit self conscious at first, but getting your body moving can beat that 2pm run to the snack machine for increased energy.

Workout Your Body With Your Body.
For me, getting out of bed early can be a monumental task, if I add to it, getting to the gym, that a mountain that I just can't climb first thing. So at home workouts using my body weight are good for me. A few sit-ups, crunches and lunges means I can still do them in my pajamas in my bedroom. Starting my morning with a 15 minute yoga workout is a great option for me, when having to drag myself to the gym was an easy excuse not to do anything.

Walk it Out.
From driving to work, sitting at our desks, commuting home, sitting down for dinner and relaxing on the couch, we spend an awful lot of our day sitting. Some studies say 70% of our day! Take every chance you can get to stand up and walk around. Take the stairs at the office, park a little farther away. Taking advantage of every opportunity to move a little bit can really have those steps adding up.

Turn Your TV time into Active Time.
I know I don't want to miss out on the newest episodes of my favorite shows. When faced with the option of indulging in a few episodes of your favorite show or heading out to the gym, it takes some serious will power for the gym to win. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you are watching at home, do some body weight exercises or stretching while you are watching your show. If you attend the gym, most machines have TVs right in front of them or you can always watch on your phone.

Take Advantage of Full-Body Moves.
If you don't have all day (and who does) to be working out individual parts of your body, go for the whole body moves and get it all done at once. Swimming is a great exercise for this, as well as yoga and Pilates.

Reduce Stress Immediately.
Stress in our lives leads a lot of us to deal with it in unhealthy ways. Try and reduce the stress in your life, and manage the stress that is inevitable. Learn some breathing exercises, try some gentle stretching or take a calming walk around the block.

Stay Hydrated.
One of the best tips to getting well and staying feeling that way, is to be sure that you are getting enough water. Most of us spend a lot of our days drinking our calories and filling up on sugary drinks, fancy coffee and avoiding water. But getting plenty of water can help you recognize real hunger, feel energized and stay focused. Start by replacing some of the other things you are drinking with good old water.

You don't have to sit on a the floor with your legs crossed but taking a few minutes each day to gather your thoughts and focus on yourself can make for more productive days and better sleep at night. Use this time to connect with your life goals, your daily goals and give yourself some love for all the positive changes that you are making in your life.

Turn off  the Technology.
I have had to do this one myself and it has been a struggle. The constant pop-ups and notifications had me checking my phone every few minutes and spending scrolling though other people's lives and neglecting my own. Examine your own use of phones, tablets and laptops and set limits for yourself. Is being connecting causing you to disconnect to your life and the people around you?