Friday, March 9, 2018

Chorizo and Egg Burritos - You Can Freeze

When we were at Costco the other day, I stumbled onto the Hugest tortillas. I grabbed up two packages and decided I was going to make giant breakfast burritos. 

Now you don't need to make giant ones, the recipe that follows is for normal human sized burritos. But I highly recommend that you make some and stock up your freezer for quick breakfasts,  hearty snacks and midnight burritos in bed. (I totally made that last one up, *No, I didn't!)

Having breakfast is a huge part of living a healthy lifestyle. Fueling your body with grains, proteins and sneaking in some veggies starts your day and your body off right. 

You'll do better in everything you try and accomplish that day, your brain works better and your body runs happier when it has fuel. 

Visit My Plate - Breakfast to learn about making small changes to have an amazing start to your day.