Friday, June 29, 2018

Ginger Melon with Mint


I grew up loving Honeydew melon. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a highly agricultural area and so there were lots of farm stands and neighbors growing gardens.   I always loved these sweet green melons and I was shocked when I married Joseph and he didn't like them at all. 

Sadly, his experience was much different than mine and he was used to the hard, tasteless, not ripe / store bought melons that are used as filler in fruit salads with lots of sugary dressing. 

I think I am converting him though. 

I very rarely will buy melons at my local grocery store / super market.  I don't think they are nearly as yummy as the ones you can get from your farmer's market or farm stand.  

When you shop at a farmer's market, you are getting food that is at its peak for taste and nutrition. It has been grown, picked and is now ready for you to eat it! Your farmer can help you pick out a melon that is ripe and juicy and delicious and you'll wonder what in the world you were eating before that was calling itself a melon. 

Photos courtesy of Bite Delite