Wednesday, August 30, 2017

September is Family Mealtime Month - Before We Begin

I can be a little hit and miss about my desires to eat healthy.  It still takes me more effort to get off the couch and be active than it does to tell myself to sit down and take a break.  Most days, I would be willing to bet that we are pretty much exactly the same when it comes to those kinds of things. 

I also would be willing to guess that your family means just as much to you as mine does to me.  These hooligans than I claim - they are my whole world!! And I would do anything and everything - frankly there just isn't a single thing that I wouldn't try to have be a part of their lives if I thought that it would make their lives better. 
I bet you feel the exact same way about your hooligans. 

I have learned a lot of life changing things here at Food $ense and without a doubt the biggest one for our family has been Family Mealtime. 

I am wanting to share with you some old posts that I have written that talk about why eating together as a family has become so important to me. 

I want to share an article with you that was written by USU Extension that talks about why I am so happy being able to do what I am do here.  (*enjoy my picture of me pregnant with Charlie) 

It is a great place to get started knowing just the basics of what this crazy stuff is I keep rambling on about it, and exactly why it is so darn important. 

 Here is a post that I wrote on how simple having dinner as a family (or actually ANY meal as a family) can be -- It doesn't have to be something that is out of control. 

The article that I wrote here talks about it absolutely is a hard thing to do, almost nothing goes according to plan and it happens at a really tiring stressful time of day.  Here's how I deal with those. 

This post that I wrote contains a list of tips and hacks that can make having family dinner easier. Ways to plan a bit better and even ways to make having dinner with your children pleasant when they might not want to be there. 

 This article is the recap after last year's successful Family Mealtime Month.  It was our first time as a Food $ense program really getting behind it and there were some amazing helps created. You'll find not only a free cookbook, but mealtime conversation starters, tips, tricks. 4 weeks of free menu plans, just about anything and everything that you could use to make having meals with your family something to get started. 

And while All this information is great and amazing and motivating - it might also be over-whelming and you might think --  wow! it takes ALL That to have dinner as a family, no thanks! 

But the truth is --  all you have to do is sit down at the table together. That's It!  And that is all that y you need to be able to begin, you just sit down at the table together.  (and you don't even Need a Table!!) 

 This post outlines the Food $ense Family Mealtime Mission  I know this is a lot (a LOT) of information, but if you are curious, start here, if you think that this might be something that you are ready to do for the people that you love. Start here.