Monday, January 15, 2018

Meatballs and Marinara in a Skillet

One of the really important things that I discovered when I started taking Food $ense classes and making more meals for my family at home, is that I really liked a lot of foods that I didn't like before. 

And meals that are made simply with just a few ingredients can turn into something that is knock-your-socks-off amazing. 

I can't stand store-bought meatballs. I would buy them because they were supposed to make such easy dinners and be "kid friendly" and I would dread getting them out of the freezer. I would make them on nights that Joseph and I were going to go out, so I wouldn't have to eat them. 

But that all changed when I decided to try and make my own.  These things are totally addicting. I made a double batch when I was preparing this recipe and then ones that didn't get gobbled up on top of spaghetti that same day, made it into meatball subs the next day.  (Talk about a sandwich you want to curl up with!!)

These are shockingly easy to make, I was really intimidated at first, but just don't put a lot of pressure on yourself. - they aren't all going to be exactly the same size and most aren't going to be round and while you are browning them, they are going to freak you out that they are going to fall apart -- But they don't.  Trust the process and trust yourself, and you'll be making meatballs twice a week! Yes! they are that good.