Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Various Ways to Eat an Artichocke

My sister bought some artichokes at the grocery store last week. They are in their peak spring season right now and at their most flavorful and inexpensive. It is a great time to try them if you have never had one, and it is a great time to indulge in a few of them if they happen to be an old favorite of yours like they are mine.

However, I forgot to stop at the store Saturday night and buy artichokes that I could cook and take photos of to show you. Instead of making this post "late" I found far superior instructions that I am going to share with you.  If artichokes are new (and kinda scary) to you, following these instructions will be easy and you will fall in love with them like the rest of us. If you are an old hand, try one of the new and perhaps easier ways to cook up this old favorite.

Basic Artichoke Instructions. This tutorial, complete with photos of everything, shows you how to prepare, cook and even eat them.  It is the best step-by-step instruction guide out there. Even if you are all old pro, check it out, and you might you learn a new short-cut to way you have been preparing them. I am excited to try mixing a little balsamic vinegar into my mayonnaise and see what all the fuss is about.

Grill Your Artichokes.   I have never made them this way myself, but I have ordered them this way lots of times at restaurants. Grilling brings out an wonderful flavor in the artichokes, it looks super pretty and it makes them taste a little bit different than the usual way of just boiling/ steaming.  I suggest if you are looking for a way to branch out, try this!

Cook them in a Slow Cooker. The only thing I don't love about artichokes is how long it feels like it takes to cook them. When I was little and my mom would make them, it seemed like once they disappeared into that giant pot to steam it would take an eon for them to be ready for us to eat.  I don't know if doing them in a slow cooker makes them feel any faster, because it actually takes longer, but my sister swears by this method and it is the only way she makes hers. (and she is the best vegetable cook that I know- her beets make me want to weep with joy.)

Artichoke Advisory Board -  Home on the internet of the artichoke. Recipes from your basic to your wild and adventurous. If you are looking for something else to do with your artichokes here is a great place to start.

Isn't spring produce marvelous. Can you imagine that this prickly little globe is so delicious and good for you. Isn't food fun sometimes!!