Friday, May 25, 2018

Roasted Sweet Potato and Lentil Salad

I am going to be eating this salad all summer long. Although the recipe doesn't explain this very well. I used the Food Sense, cook once, eat twice mode of thinking.  

I had the lentils in the freezer in small bags from when I had cooked a large batch a few weeks ago, and I roasted veggies for dinner and threw the sweet potatoes in on another baking sheet in the oven. 

So when I decided to make this salad, I only has to assemble the ingredients for the dressing and chop the celery and red pepper. It made it come together so fast and I didn't feel like I had done a lot of extra prep work before. 

While salads like this might not be what you imagine when you say the word Salad, they are a great way to get lots of servings of veggies and vary your protein with plant sources. 

Another thing that I just love about this salad is that it is very best at room temperature. That means that I can take it with me for a lunch on the go or a snack while I am out and about. 

I made this on a Thursday and I ate it that day, Friday and Saturday.  By Saturday the spinach had wilted a bit in the dressing but with the celery and the pepper it still had plenty of crunch to it. 

I highly recommend you try this salad, if you do, invite me over, and I'll come enjoy it with you.