Monday, May 28, 2018

Carrot Banana Bread

I made this bread first thing in the morning, because I knew that I really wanted to get to it, and I also know that I have a tendency to put things off and they never get done. 

So right after I cleaned up breakfast, I started grating carrots and mashing bananas. 

When I picked Ezra up from school and we were driving home, I said, "I made your favorite thing in the whole world today" 

Banana Bread?!

no wait, Carrot Cake?!? 

Yes, I said. and explained that I had made a test of making carrot banana bread, and he declared that sounded like the best thing he has ever wanted to eat in his life.   Now, he's only 9, but he was pretty close to be right. 

To frost.... or not to frost..... ?  

That is completely up to you. I happened to have some frosting in my fridge (yes! I am that kind of person) But it was a delicious quick bread on its own.  This also would make fantastic muffins and would be great with added nuts of raisins.