Friday, June 1, 2018

June is fruit and vegetable month

June is National Fruit & Vegetable month. So why not try something that encourages more Fruits and Vegetables into your daily diet. Let's look at the 10 Tips learning series.

Here are 10 quick tips to add more vegetables to your day.  Here are a few extra ideas from me.

1 - add more vegetables to any dish your already love. If you already love it, make it more to love.

2 - make your veggies fun. Anything is funner when you can dip it, or try celery filled with peanut butter and raisins or cream cheese. Make corn on the cob or snap peas or red bell peppers the colors and shapes just scream "fun!".

3- never reward your kids (or yourself) for eating your vegetables. - they aren't suppose to be a punishment.

Here are some easy way to Focus on Eating More Fruit.  These are great tips, but I will share a few that work especially well for our family.

1- Fruit always makes a great snack.  If your kids need a little protien to go with their snack fruits are great with cheese, peanut butter, yogurt and cottage cheese!

2 - Sneak a fruit into your daily salad. Mandarin oranges and diced apples are perfect for salads. Your kids will think you are restaurant fancy if you start adding fruit to salads.

3- Try apple of banana chips when you get that craving for a crunch snack.