Monday, February 25, 2013


February's fruit of the month is Bananas. We really like them here at our house. But as I have been pondering the 'Nan-er I have realized that we probably eat them straight out of the peel, raw, snacky style 95% of them time. The other 5% end up being banana bread. The way we tend to vary our intake is peeling from to top "like a kid" or from the bottom "like a monkey". We don't even get funky with our banana bread - no chocolate chips, no nuts!

So I brought up the trusty Food Sense In Season page, and I said to myself, "go ahead, be brave and try something new".  I don't have to deal with picky kid eaters too much here at my house, because I out-picky all of them.

 I had never eaten a banana pancake before this weekend! How can that be? Good grief, there is even a song about them.  I looked up banana recipes on the Snap-ed website, but I wasn't so impressed. Could the world be as boring about bananas as I am?  But check this out; it is the Food $ense guide to eating bananas. Doesn't Banana Coleslaw sound like an adventure? 

I made the muffins too, because they were my reward for being a banana explorer.

They are an amazing change from our regular banana bread. I doubled the recipe because I had four bananas instead of the two that the recipe calls for. It made two dozen muffins. So it looks like the recipe makes an even dozen. I made them in the late morning and they were eaten for lunch and afternoon snacks.