Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stress Challenge

Where I work we have a lot of on-going training and continuing education. We get to do some awesome things that help us to live happier and healthier lives.

January’s training was all about stress and how we can deal with it in healthy ways. I have been thinking about stress management a great deal because I could write the text book on unhealthy ways to deal with stress. I also feel like I have done more reading than the average person on this subject.

But once again, knowing what helps doesn't always mean I do those things. I think being stressed out and over-worked just seem to go with being human in modern society. I know that almost everyone I come in contact with seems to be busy running around, juggling commitments, and trying to please everyone. One thing we all seem to have in common is we are trying to do it all, we feel like we aren't, and we feel guilty about it.

 How you manage stress is a personal thing: some people need to take a step back, and others need to take a step up; some people need to head out into the world, and others need to pull in from it.

Learning to deal with stress in your own life requires getting to know yourself. I wish I could say that I have finally got it all figured out now that I finished the January employer challenge. I’d love to say I am a pro at dealing with the stress in life--the truth is just the opposite. This last month has been one of the most stressful of recent history. I have been over-eating, not sleeping, grouching at everyone, saying "yes" to things I shouldn't, and ignoring many things I know I should be doing.


 And so I am attempting to do just a few things to deal with my stress levels. They aren't life altering, but they help. Take a few deep breaths (this really does make a difference). And remember on those extra tough days to take a step back from the situation and say to yourself, "This, too, shall pass."

Each day is a gift, even the really awful ones. Be thankful for something small each and every day. Some day it will be those smalls things that made all the difference in our lives.