Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Phone Yoga - Pho-GA!

I love my phone! I use it for just about everything. I use it first thing in the morning when the phone alarm wakes me up, to the beeps that remind me throughout the day to change my laundry and take my vitamins. I look up recipes, read blogs, email family and friends, take pictures of my kids, and listen to my music. I use it to read books and have books read to me. My kids play games on it (so do I). I follow the news, check the weather, and even watch movies and tv shows. But I have recently discovered the one use that has made me fall in love with my phone all over again. It is a daily Yoga app, and I got it for free in my phone's App Store.
Last summer shortly after I had the baby I found a community yoga class. I was shocked to find it since the area where I live in is much more rural than urban. I immediately dragged my sister to class with me, and we fell in love with it. My sister was a yoga fan from her time in a large west coast city, and I had always been jealous that she was able to attend a real yoga class.
Now I am not a big fan of being "athletic:" I don't like the feeling of sweat, I do not enjoy competition, and I don't like being in a big stinky gym where I am uncomfortable in my own skin—my own skin in lycra spandex! But yoga was different. We had a great instructor who taught us that yoga was about the practice and loving our bodies and being grateful for what they could do, not what they could not do. I love the peace and the quiet and the strength. I think I enjoyed the way it made me feel mentally more than the way it made me feel physically. I certainly didn't start to have a supermodel body.
But the end of summer rolled around and soccer started. Wouldn't you know it—practice and games were on the same night as my yoga class. Then it got to be dark sooner, and I didn't want to go out, and then I was out of the habit, and before I knew it, I no longer missed attending my Yoga class.
Which brings me to the discovery of the Yoga app on my phone. I was browsing a while back in the App store, and listed under one of the categories of recommend apps was this Daily Yoga app. Well, I downloaded it immediately because I should be able to reap all the benefits just by having it on my phone... right?  It has honestly sat there for months and never been opened. I have good intentions because I haven't deleted it when I go through and delete all the games my kids download onto my phone, but I had yet to use it.  Then a few days ago, I decided I would explore it—now mind you, I wasn't about to USE it, I was just going to look at it a little. There were lots of programs that I could download and access: ones for relaxation, or weight loss, or back pain. So I downloaded a few of them. I even picked one and started to listen to it. (Isn't that ridiculous, I sat on the couch and listened to it, instead of doing it!)
But Monday it was sunny outside, and after the rain and the long winter it just feels good to be alive. I decided I would get out my yoga app and use it. I chose the 14 minute sun salutation because I figured I could sacrifice 14 minutes of my day to exercise. At first it was a little goofy, my son giggled at the words the instructor was using, "delight in your breathing.” I giggled, too. And the cat came and tried to take a nap on my yoga mat right in the middle of my downward dog. My preschooler tried to do some of the moves, but it wasn't bouncy enough for him and so he left.
But after I finished my 14 minute practice and as I lay there on my mat, I meditated (was thinking) about how truly beautiful it all was. My body is strong and useful; I can do so many things to provide for my family and help others with it. How joyful I was surrounded by the people that I love and who love me. How grateful I was for the sunshine and the coming springtime and to be alive and breathing.
And then, when I was done, I set a reminder on my phone: "Do Yoga! - Remember how much you love how you feel after." 
** For those of you interested in "free yoga," all major phone markets have free apps, as well as all major tablet markets. If you are on a computer, YouTube has some wonderful ones also.