Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 Things I Have Learned

10 New Things I Have Learned Lately

I read a pretty cool blog written by an amazing woman. She is slowly helping me to be a little more enlightened and gentle with myself. And she's helping me be more  courageous.  I wish that I could afford her courses, but that isn't going to happen any time soon. And so I read her blog and newsletters.  

Recently she sent out a newsletter listing "10 Things I learned lately." I thought they were interesting so here they are: 

1. There is an astonishing ease to the things that flow from following your enthusiasm.
2. That ease doesn't exempt you from hard work, but it does mean you don't have to scramble.
3. You don't always have to put your hand up. If your intention is strong and clear, the people who share that intention will find you.
4. Your belly will always tell you the truth. Listen to your stomach. Seriously.
5. Balance means very different things to different people. For me it means a softness in my belly and an openness in my chest and throat, no matter how 'busy' I may be. Balance comes in waves and cycles. It's not about rigid routine.
6. Everything goes better with tea. Especially if the tea is vanilla roiboos with almond milk.
7. Grace is a comfortable bed you can fall back into, a place of accepting everything - including yourself. Unlike most beds, however, you never have to get out of it.
8. Kindness is one of the most powerful forces on earth. All the more so for how profoundly it seems to be under-estimated by most.
9. Singing, especially chanting, really is a shortcut to bliss. If you don't think you can sing, I assure you, you can. If I can, you can. I promise.
10. You know that saying "We teach what we need to learn"? So far in my life, it seems to be true. Therefore, I teach the yoga of kindness and ease.
What are 10 things you've learned lately? If you have a blog, maybe you could the list. Or turn it into 10 updates for Facebook or Twitter. 
Most importantly, notice that you already know a lot more than you give yourself credit for. 
I am going to be courageous and accept her challenge. 

Ten Things I Have Learned Lately 
1. Even small changes matter. 
2. Being courageous doesn't necessarily mean you aren't afraid; it means facing your fear.
3. Always try and Act instead of Reacting. Purposeful actions will lead to fewer regrets.
4. Smile, even if you don't feel like it. It usually just feels better than frowning— and leads to fewer grumpy wrinkles.
5. My kids will not be able to find the toilet brush, their Sunday shoes, or anything I send them downstairs to get out of food storage. They will however find a bag of Hershey's Kisses no matter how well I think I have hidden it. 
6. If I try and look at my household chores as something that blesses my family, I feel lots happier about "serving them" instead of "cleaning up after them."
7. Chocolate, soda pop, and Doritos really do not make me feel better emotionally when I eat them. Going on a walk and yoga Really DO!
8. I will never be upset that I acted with kindness. 
9. The best thing to do in ANY situation is the loving thing. 
10. Start now, whatever it is I want to accomplish; don't put it off any longer, start now.