Thursday, May 30, 2013

Super Tracker

I was going to make a lame super man joke here, but I decided better of it and I am going to save my small bit of dignity and not do it.

Do you know about Super Tracker? For those of us that love the tech-y tools and online world it is one of the best tools around.  Let me see if I can explain all the cool things that it can help you to do.

Food-a-Pedia This is a place where you can put in a food or beverage like.. "Coke" and it will come up with some options that you can select ie: size or flavor and then it will show you all the nutrition facts for that item. Or you can put it a few different foods like white rice and quinoa and compare them side by side. It also has fast food, condiments and sweets.  It can help you make some good and better food choices by letting you know what is or in some cases isn't in the foods we eat and serve our family.

Food Tracker - This is where you sign up for an account and user name and you start keeping track of everything that you are eating. I don't know about you, but I have been shocked once or twice in my life as I have kept a food diary of all the mindless calories that I can consume. I think one of the best things about the food tracker, is that you can keep track of the allowances that you are getting in your daily food group targets. The graph is fun and can be really encouraging as you see yourself make progress.

Physical Activity Tracker -  This is to help you keep track of all that extra moving around you are doing. You can even save your own favorite activities that you do. I love the MIE ( Moderate Intensity Equivalent (MIE) Minutes) that looks like an odometer, (it makes me feel like a race car!)

This is so fun to use, I am still discovering parts of it like a personal coach where you can set your own top 5 goals. you can meal plan from here and one of the best parts is that you get your own journal where you can not only see the foods you entered, and the activity you did, but you can input your mood and all your thoughts and feelings about the day.  There is so much to explore and use in this program!

So today's birthday party activity is for YOU to go sign up for Super Tracker.  If you do, come back and leave a comment here and then you will be entered for the drawing on June 2nd for the fabulous birthday prize package!