Saturday, July 27, 2013

Green Beans

 I was just realizing today that it is getting very close to the end of the month and I have not done justice to Green Beans - the spotlight vegetable for July.  I love green beans, I love them raw on veggie trays and blanched, and frenched and cooking in Thanksgiving casserole.  They are one of the very few vegetables that I actually like to eat canned.

Last night, I got a bag of frozen ones from the freezer and put it on top of the boxed rice mix that I was making for dinner. The beans steamed a long with the rice and they were delicious and mild flavored when the rice was done cooking.  The Chicken with ginger rice and green beans sounded like a fancier dinner that it actually was, but it was gobbled right up by all the diners here at our house.