I haven't had much luck yet this year picking watermelons. My dad never picks a bad one, and he is contanstly trying to give me lessons on how to do it. So far, it has not sunk in. 

But a few days ago I was on the Food $ense Facebook Page and they had some tips listed on how to pick a good one. I am going to copy them here. But You should go check out their FB page!
1. It should feel heavy for its size.
2. Have a relatively smooth rind that is slightly dull on top.3. If the bottom of the watermelon (where it was resting on the ground) is cream yellow, not white or green.4. The top of the watermelon should be dull and not shiny.5. A deep hollow sound when you thump on the outside.I followed the instructions as best as I could and IT Worked! We are enjoying the best watermelon of the season right now. I had thought that I would serve it with Feta and Basil, but it was just too perfect to add to anything so we chilled it and ate it plain. Delicious!!