Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Halfsies Cookies

I found this Ultimate Baking infographic.   I love baking, but sometimes I feel guilty because it isn't all that good for you. Well, It can be not all that good for you.

I decided to bake some cookies last night and Half out everything that was less that healthy and make 1/2 of the ingredient a healthy substitution. I used half the white flour that is called for and used 1/2 whole grain spelt flour.  I used half the butter, and substituted apple sauce. I halved the sugar and used half Stevia (my preferred "sugar alternative").

The cookie dough turned out magnificent, It was creamy and sweet and so delicious. Some people at my house choose to eat their cookies in dough form.  But for a real substitute baking success the cookies had to be baked.

They turned out even better than I could have hoped. I don't think the kids noticed any of the changes at all and the end results were so good we gave a plate to the neighbors and didn't preface with an apology that they were healthy cookies.