Monday, May 19, 2014

Summer Meal Programs

This morning after I sent the kids off to school I realized this is the last Monday of the school year.  We are down to less than 9 days of school left for us. How exciting!

That means it is time to let you know about the summer meal programs in your area. If you were reading the blog last year, you know how much I love this program and what a life saver it is for me and the kids. There are a lot of additional supports and even more places offering summer lunch programs this year. I encourage you as much as I possibly can to get out there and take advantage of these programs. They are a great way to supplement your food budget, get yourself and your kids out of the house and most even have programs that can help you learn something! What an exciting addition to the summer.

Start Here - to find a local program near you.

Call the National Hunger Hotline at