Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Seasonal Produce Guide

We have talked before about Seasonal Eating. There are a few reasons why it is a really good idea.

1. Things actually cost less when they are in season, They is a greater supply of items. They have to travel less (in some cases - not at all)

2. Things taste so much better. When fruits and vegetables are picked ripe and fresh they taste so much better - fresher and more flavorful...  in some cases even more full of vitamins and nutrients.

3. Eating seasonally provides you with an incredible variety of foods. I am almost 40 (gasp!) and I am experiencing locally grown foods for the first time. How amazing is that to discover something delicious for the first time?

So now you've got a few good reasons to go seasonal… but what exactly IS in season today?  Here’s where I've really got you covered.

Snap-Ed has the a great comprehensive list and website to get your started.  Here is the main page of Nutrition Through the Seasons.  You can read the monthly newsletters and get tips for each season.  It also has food holidays, celebratory weeks, and and national food months. Did you know Chili Day was coming up?!?

I also found This amazing list of seasonal produce. It is super helpful in letting you know what is best to buy organic (if you can afford it) and what is smartest to spend your money on - because it is a superfood!

Today is National Homemade Soup Day!!  (It also happens to be Stuffed Mushroom Day!) Is there such a thing as Stuffed Mushroom Soup?!?!  I am thinking Potato Soup might be on the menu tonight.