Friday, December 1, 2017

How to Get Started Being Active

I saw this quote on an instagram story this morning and I couldn't help but think about how this applies to beginning to be physically active.  We all live busy stressful lives and for a lot of us, at the end of the day, all we want to do it tune out and sit on the couch - not move or do one more thing.  Just me?   No ? 

The mental discipline to becoming active and making physical activity a habit can be more overwhelming than either the physical resistance or work. Choosing to make a change can be the most important step - nothing happens without that first choice to change and live a healthier life. 

First - begin by taking that choice and making a commitment to yourself.  You are worth the health and happiness that being active and living a healthy lifestyle will provide for you and also the people that you care about.  Get rid of the mental excuses, You are worth every ounce of effort that it takes you. And each choice for good is worth twice as much as staying in the place that you are at.  You aren't suddenly going to be perfect at "being healthy", but you don't have to tell yourself, "I'm too tired" or "I can't" - you can start by simply saying, "I'm Not too tired" and "I Can"

 Second - get your stuff together. If you are going to be walking, find the nicest walking shoes that you have, or buy the best shoes that you can afford. You won't want to go if your feet are killing you.  If you have decided to swim, get your towel, suit and a pair of goggles in a bag. Perhaps you are getting on a bike, make sure your tires are pumped up and the bike is in safe working condition and get a helmet. Set out the DVDs and your water bottle, or make a date with a walking partner.  Everything you can do to eliminate excuses that we make for ourselves will help you take those first hard steps.

Next - Start slowly. While it is recommended that adults get about 2 hours and 30 minutes or 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity. This is about 30 minutes 5 days per week. You aren't going to be doing this the first time you get active. Start with just 10 minutes at a time for a the first week. Starting at a level that doesn't destroy you, but challenges you will give you chance to see yourself progress into higher levels of fitness instead of making you want to give up. 
Then - Fuel your body. I find that when I am being more active I just want to feed myself better. I care more about what I am doing for myself and how I am taking care of me. I find it lots easier to drink more water and cut out soda, have my fruits and veggies and eat less junk food.

If you are looking for more ideas or support, please visit Food $ense at our website or find local classes where you can connect with people who have the same goals as you.