Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Be good to yourself.

I have been doing some interesting reading on simplifying and focusing on what is important.

I seem to go in waves of doing too much and then trying to decide what is most important and what has become life clutter. I seem to start most projects and voyages with the best of intentions that this new thing is going to make my life better or easier or more meaningful. Most end up just being life clutter, because while it would be nice to eat homemade whole grain bread hot out of the oven each morning for breakfast, that just isn't going to happen around here. Although I do know someone who has done this faithfully for years and swears that it is the key to her happiness.

I came across this list of ways to be gentle with yourself. I want to share it with you. But perhaps just take a few to try. Although they are all good ideas and each may work work for someone, you can't stress yourself out trying to relax. Just pick one or two that sound especially nice to you and try and do them.

I am going to try the walking as much as you can. I am going to get out and walk those blocks to pick my son up from school, I am going to park in the parking lot as far away as I can, and when I have 15 minutes I am going to close this computer screen and head around my block. I put the stroller on the porch and the front carrier in the car so I wouldn't have any excuses.