I was at the grocery store on Thursday night and they had these brown bananas marked way way down. In a frugal fit / frenzy I snapped them right up to take home and bake up. The thing is; I was at the grocery store at 8:30pm and the next day I was busy for most of the day. When in the world was I going to find time to make banana bread?
And so I decided to freeze the bananas and use them next week. This is shockingly easy and I am stunned that I haven't done it before. You can freeze bananas lots ways 1. right in the peel 2. just out of the peel 3. out of the peel sliced and 4. out of the peel mashed. I went for the last option since I am sure I am going to use mine for banana bread, but if you are a smoothie maker, sliced might be the way to go. I would probably only freeze mine right in the peel if I was completely out of time to do anything but open my freezer door and put them. (Now that I have said that - I am sure I will happen upon and occasion that I will be just that busy)
I put my bananas into the freeze bag roughly sliced, then I seal it up tight and mash them with my hands. Then I let a little bit of air out of the bag and mash more - more air out ... mash more banana. 

How easy and lovely is that!? And now, for 1/2 the cost of yellow bananas and none of the guilt, I am ready to bake me some banana bread. I have heard you can do lots of other things besides smoothies and baking, There is even a quick fake "ice cream". Check it out!