Monday, July 8, 2013

Mid July means Apricots

How can we be so far into July already. We have one, way too short, holiday weekend and then suddenly it is the middle of the month.

I am so excited about the Food $ense spotlight fruits, vegetables and grains this month. This month some of the produce that is in season are Cherries, Apricots, Green Beans and Cucumbers. They are some of my most favorite foods and I can't wait to eat my favorite dishes and also try some new recipes and tricks.

I have been stopping at my local farmers markets, I am very lucky that I have several near by. I highly recommend them, the food is amazing so fresh from the source. If you don't have one near you, put the word out that you are interested in taking garden grow-overs from your friends with gardens. It is a good friend that will take a sack full of zucchini  off a gardener's hands in the late summer months.

I found the first Apricots of the season today. I only bought 6 because I wasn't sure what to do with them once I got them home. It turns out I didn't pick out very delicious ones, they were still fuzzy and good, but not as plump and juicy as I would have wanted. The kids and I still ate them with our lunches. I am going to read up on the Food $ense fact sheet on how to pick out the best ones so when I head to the market again I will pick out the best ones. 

I also picked up some dried ones when I realized that they were the spotlight fruit in July. I was thinking of making some apricot glazed chicken or maybe even some ice cream and apricots with honey.